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A partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Armenia, the “Armenia Art Fair” Art Foundation and the Spanish creative studio Domestic Streamers.


gathering of the artists, scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs to explore the space at the borders of creativity, diversity, cultural exchange, and ways of thinking under the theme of Frontiers.

Frontiers will offer a lineup of international artists and performers to showcase their work through immersive installations, interactive performances and cutting-edge exhibitions. It will explore the intersection of art, sound and technology in an exciting and energetic atmosphere that entertains and inspires festival-goers.

Through engaging with local and international communities, the festival seeks to promote new ways of thinking about collaboration in art and technology. Furthermore, the festival aims to safeguard linguistic diversity by engaging the local language with cutting-edge ideas, and thus creating an inclusive space for diverse voices to be heard. The festival envisions a world where art and technology work together to solve societal issues and promote positive change, and where creative collaboration is a driving force for innovation and progress.


Frontier Festival aims to encourage investment in creative industries, to educate and engage the general public to be part of creative industries, and to develop an art market of host country that can operate in a modern internationalized Art world. The goal is to contribute to host country competitiveness in the cultural sector as a potential new creative arts hub, helping to strengthen the country’s ties to the broader international family and boost its economic potential.


1. Contribution to the economic growth of the creative sector,

Frontiers Festival exposes young people and creatives to new ideas, collaborations, and networks, leading to increased job opportunities and skills in the creative industry. The festival promotes the field as a creative industry cluster to a wider audience, supporting the long-term sustainability and vitality of the sector.

2. Address social challenges 

The festival encourages diverse dialogue and collaboration to find innovative solutions for societal issues equality and gender engagement through its programs. It inspires unconventional thinking by exploring the intersection of analog and digital practices and pushing artistic boundaries.

3. The celebration of diversity.

The festival’s key theme revolves around bringing together creative minds from different backgrounds and disciplines, creating a space where they can share their unique perspectives and experiences. Through this, Frontiers aims to foster a sense of inclusivity, promoting dialogue and collaboration between different cultures and communities.

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